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Wallaby & Game Meat


Wallaby is uniquely Tasmanian and it’s the only place in Australia where it’s legal. It produces a much milder and sweeter meat than it mainland counterparts aka larger roos. We knew this and were excited to be the first people to offer this great meat to restaurants and home cooks.'


When we started 30 years ago it was called all sorts of things in that wonderfully unique Tasmanian way. We proudly called it wallaby and now people across Australia select Lenah wallaby as the premium grade of kangaroo meat.


Lenah harvests its wallaby from some of Tasmania’s best grazing land, thus the meat has a consistent and mild flavour. In addition Lenah has developed systems to ensure that only product from young animals is used for our first grade cuts; the rest being made into smallgoods. This helps guarantee a consistently high quality, tender product.


Lenah Wallaby is sold in most states and every territory in Australia. It has featured on many of Australia’s most famous menus and has more than once won the Delicious magazine gong for the best meat product out of Tasmania. It is also available in supermarkets throughout Tasmania and increasingly on the Mainland.


John is fond of claiming that wallaby has been the red meat of choice amongst the discerning Tasmanian dining public for 40,000 years. It’s only the last 100 years or so that there’s been a bit of a hiccup in it’s marketing program and he reckons Lenah is well on the way to turning that around.




When prepared in Anglo style dishes possum has a flavour not dissimilar to rabbit. Several of Australia’s top chefs have used possum and their recipes have been featured in Gourmet Traveller Magazine.




Lenah processes wild harvested venison, rabbits and hare.

Lenah is a specialist producer of Tasmanian indigenous meat products, specifically wallaby and possum.



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